$13,700 Billion

The expected cost of electric infrastructure upgrades worldwide over the next two decades is almost $14 trillion. More than 30% of this investment serves a need that could be economically met with energy storage at the right price.

Pie chart: $2,000 Billion Transmission; $4,500 Billion Distribution; $7,200 Billion Generation

The Trillion Dollar Formula

If it were less expensive to store and deliver low-cost, off-peak energy on demand than it is to make more of it with conventional peaker plants, the energy landscape would change dramatically.

Clean, intermittent power



Near fluctuating demand to meet peaks



Inefficient plants throttled to meet peak demand



Extra wires, transformers, etc. to supply peak power


The Cost of Wind Power Worldwide

In much of the world, the lowest cost sources of energy are green. Yet since there is little capacity to store energy, green power is sold when available, instead of when it’s most valuable.

Heat map of global energy costs, ranging from 3 cents to greater than 20 cents depending on region

A Hot Day in Texas

Electricity prices skyrocket on a hot day in Texas. What if wind or solar power could be stored cheaply and delivered when it’s needed? More profit for the wind and solar farms, low cost energy for the users, greener energy for the world.

Graph of electricity prices over one 24-hr period in Texas, showing 100x increase over offpeak price

Nearly Half of the Electric Grid Capacity is Underused

Inefficient diesel and gas peaker plants supply electricity during the times of greatest demand. The grid resources (wires, transformers, etc.) required to transport this peak power are left underutilized during non-peak times. Low-cost storage can increase grid utilization without adding more wires.

Graph of power usage versus proportion of year, showing on average only 60% of US electrical grid capacity used

Power With Storage at the Point of Demand

By storing energy near end-users, peak demand can be shifted to off-peak times in order to reduce the cost of grid upgrades.

Power without Storage
Power with Storage

Lowest Cost
Dispatchable Power

Our first generation product will enable renewable resources to provide cheaper electricity than that produced by diesel generators, the fossil fuel-based competitor to beat on islands and isolated grids.

Our second generation product will be the first energy storage system to outcompete gas peaker plants. It will drive massive adoption of green energy worldwide.

Graph comparing cost per kWh of dispatchable power by type: Batteries $0.48-0.75; Diesel Genset $0.21-0.46; Gas Peaker Plant $0.12-0.35; LightSail Energy v.1 $0.21-0.28; LightSail Energy v.2 $0.15-0.20; LSE Underground $0.12-0.14


  • COST OF CAPITAL = 10 %
  • INFLATION = 2.5%(±0.5%)
  • ENERGY INFLATION = 2.5%(±1%)
  • Variance Analysis

    Business model robust to variations: capital cost, general inflation, energy inflation, gas price, off-peak costs, peaker efficiency, round-trip efficiency